Corporate Mission
雕琢精(jīng)品動力 創造和諧生活
Excellent Power Harmonious Life
我們通過制造品質(zhì)優良、技(jì )術先進、綠色環保的汽車(chē)發動機産(chǎn)品,為(wèi)客戶提供高性價比的動力選擇,為(wèi)人類的現代文(wén)明生活作(zuò)出貢獻。我們将緻力于員工(gōng)發展,培育國(guó)際化人才并不斷提升員工(gōng)滿意度。在業務(wù)持續成長(cháng)的同時,我們将緻力于業務(wù)發展與區(qū)域和全球環境的和諧。
By making high quality, technically-advanced, green & environmental friendly engine products we are making our contributions to modern civilized life through providing high performance-price-ratio power options to customers. We are committed to employee development, international talent fostering, as well as continuous improvement of employee satisfaction. We are also committed to the harmony between business development and regional / global environment while keeping our business growth.
VisioCorporate Visionn
打造“技(jì )術領先、質(zhì)量最佳、成本最優”的世界一流發動機基地
Be the world first-class engine base with “leading technology, best quality, optimal cost”
技(jì )術領先:我們将按照科(kē)技(jì )發展的方向和客戶的需求,研發或同步導入具(jù)備國(guó)際一流水平的新(xīn)型汽車(chē)發動機産(chǎn)品和技(jì )術,持續保持産(chǎn)品技(jì )術、性能(néng)的卓越競争力。
Leading technology:we will follow technology development direction and customer requirement to develop or introduce new world first-class automobile engine products and technology, to keep the competitive edges of product technology and performance excellence.
Best quality:our goal is not only to meet customer requirement for finished product quality, but also to stay at the leading position in the world auto industry for manufacture process quality and purchase part quality control etc.
Optimal cost:in each of the processes from development, purchase, manufacture, sales, to service we will practice cost control and implement leading cost strategy, to make CFME engine the most cost-competitive one in the world auto industry.
Corporate Value
客戶為(wèi)尊 員工(gōng)為(wèi)本 誠信敬業 持續改善
Customer Orientation Employee Focus Reliability & Diligence Continuous Improvement
Customer orientation:as an independent engine company we should be customer oriented and provide our customers with first-class products and excellent services.
Employee focus: we respect each employee's rights and benefits, subjective initiative and team spirit, we encourage employee's loyalty and contribution to the company.
Reliability & Diligence:as a corporate we actively take up social responsibilities, strive to become an excellent corporate citizen, run business with high-standard of business ethics, stick to the principle of being reliable. As an employee, we are diligent and work at our best to fulfill our duties.
Continuous Improvement:we pay high regard to continuous accumulation, value each improvement, never get content with what we have achieved, continuously improve at all of businesses, commit to make our contributions to customer, the public, environment, and society.
Corporate Spirit
精(jīng)誠團結 高效執行 激情創新(xīn) 勇于奉獻
Strong Cohesion Efficient Execution Passionate Innovation Devoted Dedication
高效執行:我們拒絕任何借口,在工(gōng)作(zuò)中(zhōng)快速行動,注重效率, 有(yǒu)力執行,以速度和效率确保我們的市場競争力。
勇于奉獻:我們以高度的責任心,以職業化的心态,堅守自己的崗位,全情投入,作(zuò)好本職工(gōng)作(zuò)。 我們保持進取心,确立更高目标,主動付出,不計較個人得失,對工(gōng)作(zuò)事業和企業發展保持高度熱忱,使自己的工(gōng)作(zuò)不斷超越。
Strong cohesion:we pay high regard to interpersonal, cross-department cooperation and coordination at work, we work around company targets to make individual and department objectives, base on company-level action plans to develop individual and department action plans.
Efficient Execution:we don't accept excuses and take actions quickly at work, we emphasize efficiency and effective execution, we regard speed and efficiency as the best way to maintain our market competitiveness.
Passionate Innovation: we keep our passion and curiosity towards our business, ready to explore the unknown; we have the courage to go off the beaten track to embrace customer-value-added ideas and actions; we encourage experiments within bearable risk as we believe failure is an opportunity for learning and growth.
Devoted Dedication:we stick to our positions fulfilling our duties with strong sense of responsibility, professional attitude and devoted passion. We set up higher goal, keep our ambition for further improvement, take the initiative to make contribution without calculating personal interests, we keep our passion to work and the company, continuously improve at our work.
同心共志(zhì) 驅動未來
One Heart One Goal Driving Into the Future
同心共志(zhì) 驅動未來:表達了來自合資各方、不同國(guó)度、不同文(wén)化的人才聚集在一起,實踐公(gōng)司精(jīng)神,共同追求和實現公(gōng)司願景的決心與報負。
One heart one goal driving into the future:expressed the resolution and ambition that all of the people gathering at CFME from different party, different country, and different culture are working together to realize by carrying on the company spirit and pursuing the company vision./p>